This should be used to lower cholesterol

Cholesterol is one of the most common lifestyle diseases even among young people today. Cholesterol is a necessary element for our body. Cholesterol is necessary for all the functions of the body and the construction of cells. There are two types of cholesterol in which the good cholesterol is needed by our body and the bad cholesterol is not needed.

About 80 percent of fat is made by the liver. This is caused by the carbohydrate-rich foods we eat. Leg pain, back pain, body pains, difficulty walking, and many other problems are present in people with cholesterol. We all think that oily snacks and fast foods are the cause of fat, but starchy foods like rice cause the most fat in our body.

It is better to use white rice and eat rice with bran instead of rice as much as possible. .A cup of chickpeas or chickpeas with or without sprouts is fine.Eating steamed foods is even better. Use of dairy products should be as little as possible such as buttermilk. Nuts such as almonds and walnuts are good.

It is also better to reduce the consumption of shell fish such as crab, shrimp and shellfish. Cut down on sugary sweets, oil bars and other junk foods. It is very good to have proper exercise in the lifestyle along with the diet. Most of the diseases in our body can be controlled by exercising. Make it a habit to exercise at least five days a week. By making these lifestyle changes, cholesterol can be reduced. To know more, watch the video below.
