Are women at risk of developing cancer if they have these four symptoms?

The answer is that cervical cancer is reversible. Cervical cancer is cancer in the part that connects the uterus to the vagina. A pre-cancer that lasts 10 to 15 years can be prevented if the stage can be detected in between. And 98% of cervical cancer is caused by viral infection. Immunization against the virus can prevent it from coming.

It does not show any particular symptoms and is identified only when the internal examination is done during the visit to the gynecologist. But in some people it is seen as vaginal discharge. It can be watery discharge and then red color discharge like blood and bad smelling discharge. Bleeding may occur between two menstrual stages.

Otherwise, there will be pain on contact or some kind of pain in the outer middle. In the Adar stage, this will not be the case, the fatigue will be quite painful. It is caused by human papilloma virus. All of these can be prevented by vaccination. How it affects is caused by engaging in physical contact. What types of women are likely to get it?

It is for those who get married early, those who do not maintain hygiene during menstruation, those who have polygamous relationships, those who smoke a lot, etc. WHO has said this. HBV DNA Viral Testing. The vaccine against this virus is the HBV vaccine. The vaccine is recommended for women between the ages of 50 and 26. Take two doses for 14 years and three doses for those above. Watch the video below for more details.
