Cholesterol does not go down and rises because of doing this mistake

There are very few people today who do not have lifestyle diseases. Cholesterol is mainly found in young to old age. Cholesterol is caused by our diet. The foods that we include most often in our diet are the ones that contain them. This diet is wrong. Starchy food is the main cause of many diabetes diseases like cholesterol.

About 80 percent of cholesterol comes from our body and 20 percent comes from our diet. Foods like fast food that we eat cause a lot of fat in our body. Similarly, many types of bakery sweets containing sweets lead to diseases like cholesterol. Usually we hear people say that people with cholesterol should not eat things like knocking to prevent cholesterol.

But we do not get cholesterol by eating eggs. This is likely during peak times. If it is an egg, it is not a problem for our body if it is cooked undercooked and eating eggs. Eating tubers also increases the chances of cholesterol in our body. Foods that are mostly fried in oil make bad cholesterol for us. Cholesterol also comes from heredity.

We should be more careful to avoid meat egg milk but instead we should avoid kappa and rice foods which are sweet. Small fish such as sardines, which are rich in omega-3, are very good to include in your diet. We have to do it properly while choosing any districts and treatment methods. It is wrong to self-medicate without doctor’s prescription or tests. It is good to eat lots of vegetables, leafy greens and fruits. By making changes in our diet, we can reduce cholesterol to some extent. Without further ado, watch the video below.
